Captain Tsubagja is a short animation. A collaboration between Flip Flop Animations and Komik Lieur, one of the most iconic comic strip from Bandung. I made this for my own Youtube Channel (FlipFlop Animation) in 2022. I worked on this by myself and this was my first collaboration.
Tahi Lalat is another short animation for my own Youtube channel, Flip Flop Animations. It was made by me and my friend who helped me to make the backgrounds. The animation itself is about how a mole or “Tahi Lalat” is formed but in a comedy and fooled forms. In my first language Bahasa Indonesia, Tahi means Poop, Lalat means fly the insect. But Tahi Lalat literally means mole in Indonesia.
Astray is a short movie
and was
nominated in
Bandung International Student Film Festival.
Representing my university, Binus. I direct the
whole project and handled the post production
part. This was the first ever short movie that i
submit for a film festival.
The overview of the film is about two friends from
other galaxies explore outer space with a
sophisticated spaceship, but unfortunately the
spaceship they fly is damaged and forces them to
land on Earth. Being lost on planet Earth requires
them to find their way home, with the help of the
map they have, they explore the earth to find
access to return home, arriving at the pyramids as
their final destination. Passing through various
places and beautiful natural scenery, the journey
they are going through becomes an exciting and
challenging holiday. When they arrived at their
final destination, they found a door that can help
them to find their way back home.
Bima S is MNC
Animation’s superhero
tv series. In 2021 i was working for Patopo
Animation Studio in the VFX department as a VFX
artist. MNC chose Patopo Animation Studio as the
third party to work on the Bima S animation
production and the post production.
Bima S was the second TV series that i have taken
part in the post production part as a VFX artist.
Super fun to work on this one.
Some of my
works that has been chosen as
the winner of the contests
Won on 2021
Won on 2020
Won on 2020
Won on 2021
Won on 2022
Dazza Design
Co. is a design
collective founded by me
to provide design services and design assets.